Giving Up Gluten for Breastfeeding Moms

Written by Stacy Spensley

The last thing you want to hear as a breastfeeding mom is that you can't eat something. You probably want to eat everything! You're legitimately eating for two right now.

But if your baby is showing symptoms of a reaction to something in your diet, you're also probably willing to do anything to make it better. Dietary changes are tough, especially on top of being a new mom, but here are some tips that can help make the process easier.

While there are several common foods that can prompt an elimination diet, today we'll start with gluten. It's a bit of a buzzword nowadays, but it's more than a weight loss trend. Gluten can be tough on your baby's tummy.


Two Things More Important than Portion Sizes when Offering Solids to Infants

Join Rachel Rothman, MS, RD in our three-part blog series to learn more about introducing solids to your little one.  Rachel is a pediatric dietitian and the instructor of our Introduction to Solids classes here at the SDBFC. 

Introduction to Solids, Serving Sizes, Feeding Relationship

When babies are 4-6 months of age, many moms start thinking about how much solid food kids should eat.  It’s easy to get caught up in a race toward the “starting solids” milestone, but what comes next?  Many parents wonder, now that their little one has started eating solid foods, how much is enough?  Am I making him/her overeat?  Am I wasting food? Am I teaching poor habits? 

What might reassure you is that as long as your selections contain a balance of protein, carbohydrate, fats and vitamins and minerals, measuring “servings” of food consumed may not necessarily be the best way to ensure your baby’s success at adopting a solid diet.  

Breastfeeding the Older Baby - What to Expect at 6-9 months

Breastfeeding the Older Baby - What to Expect at 6-9 months

Written by Anna Choi, BS, IBCLC

So, you’ve blinked your eyes and realized your tiny newborn is no longer a newborn, and you’ve got an adorable little five month old on your hands.

Where did the time go?



So much information exists on what to expect when breastfeeding a newborn: how often they need to nurse, how many diapers they should wet each day, signs of a good latch, etc. But, what happens once you’ve made it through those first months? Where are the “guidelines” for breastfeeding a six-month old? A nine-month old? An eighteen-month old? As our little ones continue to grow physically {beginning to roll over, sit up, crawl} and developmentally {sleeping longer stretches at night, interacting more with the world around them, and learning to say and sign their first words}, we notice the impact of these changes on breastfeeding.

Understanding Infant Sleep - The First 6 Weeks

Understanding Infant Sleep - The First 6 Weeks

“I slept like a baby”  

When I hear this saying, I immediately envision sleeping deeply, soundly, and for 10 hours straight.  Whoever came up with that saying clearly didn’t have children!  All of the babies I know definitely do not sleep soundly for an extended period of time until at least toddlerhood… and even then sleep can be disrupted by teething, colds, and just regular night waking. With current infant sleep recommendations stating that babies should learn to sleep on their own, all night, by 6 months, I have to wonder how much of this information is hearsay and old-wives’ tales and how much is evidence-based (using good research models). 

So, let’s break this down using the most current research.  

Viewing Body Image After Baby

Written by Abigail Burd, MSW, LCSW, CPRP

Happy January! The cheery month when the media tells us we need to start our New Year’s Resolutions to exercise and lose weight. Meanwhile, the Award Season is in full swing with gorgeous Hollywood actresses showing off their post-baby bodies. In the movie “Knocked Up,” Katherine Heigl’s character is told by her work that they can’t legally ask her to lose weight, but that she needs to “tighten” it up. We may not aspire to be red carpet ready, but how many of us want to tighten up or change our postpartum bodies?

This time last year, I started writing a post with tips on how to achieve goals and change. I stopped midway through writing it, realizing no one needed it. We need to hear that we are beautiful just the way we are . We need to tell ourselves that we are beautiful. And believe it. So when Robin asked me to write about body image after having a baby, I knew I wanted to share.

Check Out These Lactation Rooms at the San Diego Airport!

Traveling just got easier for breastfeeding and pumping moms traveling through the San Diego International Airport!  Just in time for the holidays, right?

Last month, the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force was contacted by a local breastfeeding mom, Emily Mest, who frequently travels through the San Diego International Airport for work.  Here is Emily’s story, which set the wheels in motion to make breastfeeding and pumping easier for all moms traveling through the San Diego airport.

Update on our Kickstarter Project

Update on our Kickstarter Project

Well, our 30 days are up for our Kickstarter project and, unfortunately, our Nursing in Public Task Force website project didn't receive the funding that we had hoped for.  We reached about 10% of the funding we needed and I am so incredibly appreciative of the support we received from our generous donors!  

While I am sad that the Nursing in Public Task Force website project will have to be put on hold for now, I am not too discouraged to let it go completely.  Over the next few months, I will be updating the resources on our local Nursing In Public Task Force webpage, speaking at the Annual California Breastfeeding Summit about our project, and hopefully finding other funding sources to pay for this valuable online resource.  So, if you happen to have any ideas for other funding sources (or an amazing benefactor who'd like to pay for the website!), please email me so we can explore these options :-)  

If you would like to stay current on this project, please sign up for our newsletter, as we will be updating our website with new information and resources for nursing in public.

Thanks, again!  This has been an enlightening learning experience for me and I hope to have a huge announcement in the next few months that we have secured funding for this valuable and needed website!



Join our Movement to Stop Nursing in Public Harassment

Join our Movement to Stop Nursing in Public Harassment

We are so excited to announce that we have launched our first Kickstarter campaign today!  It is called the Nursing in Public Task Force Website.  

As you know, the ladies at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center are fierce advocates for protecting a woman's right to breastfeed in public.   This is exactly why we created the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force in 2013. Too many local moms had been discriminated against and shamed for breastfeeding their babies outside of their homes and we just couldn’t stand by silently anymore!

Breastfeeding Memoirs: Best 'Bring Your Baby to Work' Situation EVER!

In honor of World Breastfeeding Week 2015, we are sharing inspirational stories from breastfeeding/working moms.  

Today’s story was written by Margo Byrd.


As a new mother, the fear of going back to work haunted me as my maternity leave days grew smaller and smaller.  Although I am one of the most fortunate mothers in the world who got to bring their child to work, I still feared that somehow it would not work out.   I worried that my company would decide my bundle of joy was not so joyous, or I would completely collapse under the pressure of feeding a 3 month old in my office. I personally struggled with postpartum.  I had irrational fears about what it would be like at work, felt completely helpless on multiple occasions, and had a very hard time letting my son out of my sight even to run to the bathroom (when my husband was home).  As those small fears subsided, coincidentally my bigger fear of breastfeeding in my new work environment grew. For the summer, my office would be shared with my boss as I am her assistant and during the school year I would have my own office (which happens to be all glass).  I work for the Boys and Girls Clubs of San Dieguito and while “Bring your child to work,” has always been a motto for our club, the fear of breastfeeding with 70-150 kids on the other side of my door was very apparent.  I envisioned curling up on a toilet wiping everything down with cleaners or hiding in dark closets on the floor while I lulled my 3 month old to sleep while comfort nursing. While I was promised a, “Safe,” environment to nurse I had no idea what to expect. The struggle of postpartum and the struggle of a new environment breastfeeding made me so nervous. I had never nursed in public, let alone nursed in front of my co-workers and peers.  Personally I was too scared and too naive to understand the support I would have at my job.

Breastfeeding Memoirs: Working as a Resident

Breastfeeding Memoirs: Working as a Resident

In honor of World Breastfeeding Week 2015, we are sharing inspirational stories from breastfeeding/working moms.  

Today’s story was written by Amelia Sorenson.


When I found out I was pregnant as I was about to start a surgical fellow, which can mean a seven day, sixty (sometimes eighty) hour work week with erratic long nights of call, I thought a lot about what it would be like to do the work while pregnant and how to manage maternity leave (six weeks, worked the day I delivered). What I didn't think about was how I would establish a breastfeeding relationship during those first few short weeks and how I would manage to keep breastfeeding when I went back.