Nice Try, Covid…. But You Can’t Stop Us From Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week

The annual World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7th) is usually filled with parties, gatherings, giveaways, and more.  It is a week to celebrate all of your breastfeeding, chest feeding, and pumping accomplishments with families around the world.  Many of you may have attended our Big Latch On event or participated in our Ultimate World Breastfeeding Week giveaway in the past. For some of you, this may be the first time you have breast/chestfed or pumped for a child.  

And while 2020 has been a complete physical and emotional circus (PG-version of what we really want to say), we are so incredibly grateful to still be here, providing our breastfeeding expertise and emotional support to all of you.  So, if Covid can’t shut down the San Diego Breastfeeding Center, then it sure can’t stop us from celebrating World Breastfeeding Week!

So, who’s ready to celebrate with us??????

We have several online events scheduled for August 1-7th, with more being added (so make sure you are following us on Instagram and Facebook because you will not want to miss out!)  Here is a list of what we have planned so far!

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The Big Virtual Latch On

August 1, 2020; 10-10:45a | Zoom

2020 has proved to make in-person gatherings difficult (to say the least!), so our yearly Big Latch On event has moved online! If you have never attended a Big Latch On event, this is where we bring together as many breast/chestfeeding parents together to latch on their babies all at the same time to set a world record!

This is an event you won’t want to miss this year, as hopefully this will be the only time in our lifetime where we will try to set a world record for the MOST latched on kiddos at the same time during a pandemic! (Well, that’s something I never thought I would write in a million years!)

There will be a few giveaways (like some awesome Kindred Bravely bras/tanks and Tula baby carriers!), laughter, camaraderie, and celebration as we bring together our community of nursing families.  And let’s face it…. we all need something fun to celebrate right now!

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Share Your Stories!

Throughout World Breastfeeding Month (all of August 2020)

To celebrate and acknowledge all the ways we feed; breastfeed/chestfeed/pump/bottle, AND to encourage other families, we would love to feature YOUR story. We will be posting the stories on our blog and featuring them on our social media. Peer to peer support is so crucial, and right now (due to Covid) this may be missing for some of you. So let's lift each other up and let other parents know that they are not alone! With this project we also hope to amplify the voices of communities who are underrepresented in breastfeeding/chestfeeding/lactation and who are failed to be properly supported by the health care system and community.

Stories should be no longer than 1 page, and if you'd like to share a photo that we can include that would be amazing! Here is a link to some breastfeeding memoirs we have collected for our website in the past.

If you are interested in sharing your experience with feeding your child, please email

Instagram Giveaways!

August 1-7, 2020

We absolutely love giveaways because they allow us to collaborate with amazing and inventive companies/products and share with our SDBFC families and social media community!  This year, instead of having ONE large World Breastfeeding Week giveaway with a bunch of products, we will be launching a monthly giveaway event (name TBD!) so that you can really get to know our favorite companies, their products that make your life easier, and their communities.  We will launch our monthly giveaway event with Teat and Cosset and Baby Tula, both outstanding companies we have collaborated with many times in the past.  Start following them now to learn more about them and stay tuned for the giveaways and our IG stories Q&A takeover!

And, you never know when another fun event will be planned, so stay tuned and happy feeding!