We are matching funds up to $3000 this week!

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We cannot begin to express how grateful we are to everyone who has donated to our fundraising campaign and shared about it with their friends and family!

So far, we have raised $3000 in the past 2 weeks.  This week, an anonymous donor has offered to match donations up to $3000 from 12/14 until 12/21, so your donation this week will be doubled!  Which means, we will be that much closer to our goal of raising $10,000 during the month of December!  Can we count on you to help us meet this goal?

Meet Sabrina, a local mother who received low-cost breastfeeding consultations from the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation.

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“I am a first generation, lower income, Latinx full-time college student. 

I battled a 7 month long struggle with breastfeeding.  I reached my breaking point and found the SDBFC Foundation, hesitant to make an appointment due to the cost, until I saw the option for Medi-Cal.  If I had to pay for the full price for an initial appointment, I doubt I would have made the appointment. This is not because I would not want to, but because I could not afford it. 

Through the SDBFC Foundation, my daughter and I were able to access the necessary services in order for her to receive the proper care and attention needed for her to survive and thrive. 

Nonprofits like these help break down systematic barriers that prevent Latinx and other BIPOC communities from successfully breastfeeding. They also allow lower-income parents to be able to provide an equitable childhood to their children beginning at infancy. I am forever grateful!”


Sabrina is one of the 200 families of color and low-income families that our foundation was able to assist this year, all due to your donations and those from our community!  We are 30% to our goal of raising $10,000.  Will you help us reach this goal?

Our ability to help families like Sabrina's is only possible with your help. Thank you so much for caring so deeply.


Robin Kaplan

President, SDBFC Foundation