Managing Speed-bumps Along Your Breastfeeding Path

This past Saturday, I had the honor of hosting the Breastfeeding Lounge and speaking at the Your Natural Baby Fair about my favorite topic... breastfeeding, of course!  The topic for this presentation was a little different than those discussed at the prenatal classes I teach each month.  Instead, I was finally able to address all of the questions I am asked at my weekly support group.  You know... those questions about hiccups that happen AFTER the initial latch/positioning/initiating milk supply issues.  The questions that pop up AFTER the first few months of breastfeeding, right when you think you have it ALL figured out!  Now those are truly my favorite!


My presentation was titled: Managing Speed-bumps Along Your Breastfeeding Path.  During this talk I focused on:

  • Appropriate feeding amounts for babies (for up to a year)

  • Appropriate weight gain for babies (for up to 1 year)

  • Lactogenic foods that support your milk supply

  • How to maintain your supply during baby's distractable times, returning to work, and when offering solids

  • Benefits (both nutritional and emotional) for breastfeeding beyond 1 year


Since this talk could only accommodate 60 people (who happened to be in San Diego at the fair), Sunny, from New Mommy Media and the Preggie Pals podcast, interviewed me to discuss the topics in my presentation.